Lamb meat
Nurtured naturally, with care... from conception to completion
Delivered direct to your door Halifax to Liverpool

Krista Harding, Shepherd
"We absolutely loved the lamb last year and are thrilled we can buy from you again. " AM September 2024
To ORDER Krista's Nova Scotia lamb meat, you choose your method:
1) Email: kristasheep@gmail.com
2) Send message on "contact us"
3) Private message on facebook:/Kristasheep
4) Telephone 902-688-2380
5) Use the online form (click to order and don't pay until meat is delivered to you)

Krista strives to offer delicious, delicate flavoured, lamb meat products . She also insists on providing a product that you know has been raised in a comfortable, caring and very natural environment.
The lambs are born on the old family farm near the sea in Petite Riviere , Lunenburg Co, NS and they grow on a 65 acre drumlin (see "frequently asked questions" to learn about drumlins) that is carefully maintained to ensure the sheep have a naturally nutritious summer menu of a rich variety of grasses at Wiles Lake, Lunenburg Co. NS.
Krista Harding has lived all her life in Nova Scotia. She has always been involved in business, always involved in caring for animals and feels strongly that growing sheep for Nova Scotia lamb meat can be good for her customers and also good for Nova Scotia.
If you have never tried lamb meat, contact Krista to try this unique and delicately flavoured meat.