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sheepish tales...a blog of the continuing education of a shepherd

Summer 2018 has an early start
Summer time. Summer pastures. The sheep watched the "sheep bus" back up to the barn at Petite Riviere early one morning May 15th. The...

Buzzies and Boudoirs
Well, I was worried. I have now discovered that Shepherds think about sex a lot. Is it happening enough? Enough to get the ewes...

Wild and Wooly
Sometimes, a girl just wants to have fun. I received an invitation from some experienced sheep dog people to join them in the fall ...

Coming to terms
Thoughtful, that's us. As summer ends and fall begins, it's time to feed humans. Since this blog is about the education of a shepherd,...

Summer time and the livin' is easy
Summer pasture at Wiles Lake is pretty much the perfect life for sheep. At the end of May 2016 it seemed like time to move from Petite...

Lambing with your eyes closed
Lambing 2016. A lot of waiting... followed by a rush and this season, included using every gadget I had to get lambs into this world and...

Is it time yet?
Winter with sheep. A quiet time of eating and growing babies. 16 ewes bred. I am suspecting 15 are pregnant. Lambing first due date...

All is calm all is...
All is calm, all is Green. Adding the green chalk to the breeding harness on New Year's day took longer and was considerably messier than...

New Year's Eve
And you thought January 1st is the beginning of a new year? Or maybe if you are a teacher or a parent of little people you might even...

Grass Fed meat is different
As I wait for Halloween goblins to arrive at the door, wondering if I run out of sweet treats if the little devils would like to have...
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